NESTLÉ® FITNESSE® low sugar Protein Cocoa Cereal Bar (Case) (16x 20g)

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Packing size:16 x 20g

$99 $129


New NESTLÉ®FITNESSE® Low Sugar Protein Cocoa Cereal Bar contains Low Sugar (Each bar contains less than 1 gram of sugar.*) and high fibre (**Each bar contains dietary fibre that equals to that of a broccoli^). With protein and contains 0mg cholesterol.
It is made with whole grain and multigrain, including wheat, oats and quinoa.
It is in rich chocolate flavour with wheat protein crisps, great combination on taste and crunchy texture.

Healthy on-the-go breakfast or snack.
Made in Europe.
* as per serving (20g), Low Sugar Protein Cocoa Cereal Bar contain 0.5g of sugar.
**as per serving (20g), Low Sugar Protein Cocoa Cereal Bar contain 5.0g of dietary fibre.
^ Weight of a broccoli is considered to be 150g. Reference from Centre for Food Safety

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